i can’t see you
i run
my finger over
the words engraved
swirly letters of a bygone
Presented to
D.V. Gonder
nailed to a canadian icon remnant
of the great sea-to-sea ribbon of steel
you, my dear train, once languished as one
of a thousand trains in a far-off factory
now you rest before me treasured as one
given to Vi
i am surprised by your sturdiness the weight
of you in my hands tracks
laid down details pristine reality
reflected in the care of your maker
like the Professor’s wardrobe whose way was into Narnia
i find my path, little train, through you
for three
fuzzy memories in
the dusty archives of my mind
remain filed and found
i can see
Bert the zoo pandas
a quiet gentle spirit resides
Dorothy Wanasing Beach cereal at the kitchen counter
strength of voice matched only by personality
Doris apartment in the sky after eight chocolates on a tray
too many forlorn visits to Bethany as you slowly
faded from this world
i can’t see
you, Vi
i can see
your apartment in the Leaside Towers, 29th floor
the tv room tucked back round the corner
the dining room with window-featured panorama
i could reach out and touch the clouds
cars below like micro machines on a playmat
i could flick them away if i wanted
you, Vi
you are just
on the periphery of my mind
the jagged edges that elude
me if only i could
crane my neck around
the corner of my mind’s eye
catch a glimpse of you
four score years
fourteen on foreign soil
Pingyao pursued by parents
devoted to the Good Lord
feet back on native land
with glowing heart began
machinist apprentice
at confederation’s binding tie
Stratford to Mimico Montreal Moncton Winnipeg Toronto
twelve roles thirty-two years
dirty overalls calloused hands blackened face
one rung at a time
three-piece suits tie clips pocket squares flashing smiles
vice-president became the name
fourteen again this time on home
soil rode the rails
with dignitaries connecting
communities and commerce delivered
the keynote as guests sipped
mock turtle soup oversaw
million dollar budgets presided
over unveilings ribbon cuttings
adieu to steam hello to turbo
pomp and prestige met you like crowds
converging at union station
quintessential company man feted
farewell over
potage st. germain
behind the scrutiny of public newspaper clippings
were the untold hours devoted
to others motivated
by faith — titles flashing by
like station names on the express route
chair member councillor director officer
volunteer administrator president
titles not the ultimate Destination
oh, little train, so sturdy so solid
you ground me in place
railway ties linking lineage
my people
my blood
finding our way
in God
for the world
Oh, little train, once held
in the hands of Vi
if i dusted for prints would i
find you
find answers to my questions
find myself
oh, little train, disciplined details
you transport me in longing
for heaven
where pain fades away
time stops its march
all is reconciled
the great reunion
i can’t wait to meet you again
i’ve got a lot of questions
Written by Scott Moore
Illustrated by Landon Wideman
Inspired February 2020