hard act to follow


looking out at the trail
curling away from the lakeside
his raised left hand shading
still-squinting eyes

the path
– so much more 
than dirt, rocks, and beaten down grass –
lay before 
him towards zion

he had found the narrow road
called back with kind eyes 
and a gentle shout
for the rest to come along

don’t look back

leave everything
at once
there’s no time
to waste

get to the back of the line
don’t hog your seconds

hate your nearest and dearest
love those who thwart you

eat and drink

sell your home 
and make it in me

it’s always yes day
when someone comes asking 

forgive again 
times forever

start from the inside
because it all spews outside

die to live
lose to save

as i stand by the shore

all the isms of the day
make me fall prey
to the disguise
of those who rationalize

will i tune out 
the gentle shout

or for the joy set before
will there be more

to come


Written by Scott Moore
Illustrated by Landon Wideman

Inspired Mar 2022


somehow, the world keeps spinning


com passio