snowshoes on stony
i am running on the open
e x p a n s e o f t h e d i v i n e
snowshoes keeping me
afloat above
inches of crusty snow and icy slush
i am alive
if i stayed hidden in the periphery
tucked in behind
the tall wall of evergreens
i would only catch a small glimpse of
the open whiteness of Your wide mercies
always trepidation in first steps
onto water frozen in time through wintry depths
can the expanse hold me?
will it keep me up or take me in ?
even as i stumble
and fall on my knees
it’s just me
and a path
of my choosing — I can go anywhere
in the immensity
of You
blood flowing — legs kicking — knees rising
the pulse of life courses through
my veins — adventure is mine
on this terrain i am
a messenger flies overhead
my feet firmly plant themselves in stunned awe
majestic white head short yellow beak
soon followed by splash of white tail
wingspan seemingly stretching across
the horizon above the tree line flight
path carving liminal space
where all-encompassing meets
immediate intimacy
i am running towards this unexpected gift
perched on bare limbs of timber
my speed slows as i approach
my messenger sweeps its head turning
sharp and quick — body still
assessing its domain
the great Expanse
snowshoes at rest
heart aglow
i have bounded
Your bounty with boundaries
You —though— have seen me
shown Yourself
without limit
hosting living beauty
in quiet sanctity
on that naked tree
Written by Scott Moore
Illustrated by Landon Wideman
Inspired March 2020