sad with me


my heart feels
like a dyed-blue sweater
as one string, two string, three string, four
are pulled by all that i cannot fix

“i am sad with you,” He says.

for a moment
the pulling stops
but still
my spirit churns
as i yearn 
to gather in 
the lost string

“let’s just sit, shall we?” He suggests.

we swing our legs over the end of the dock, knees crook’d over the wooden edges. clear water embraces my feet and ankles as a cool refreshing climbs up from my toes. as if by instinct, my legs press against the faint resistance of the water in a slow elliptical motion. even in the silence, a confident quiet pours forth from Him. as His power flows in the stillness, i am in awe of the one who calms creation. my feeble desire for lightning bolts and finger snaps melts as my hands over my heart imperceptibly loosen their grip on all the loose strands of string. i see it’s not for me to clutch, grab, or gather. And so, my legs continue their soothing motion. left, right, left, right. two teardrops, tips touching. together, forming an eternal whole. 


Written by Scott Moore
Illustrated by Landon Wideman

Inspired May 2022


i went by you yesterday


hope and its hiddenness